What awaits you in Petram
We are aware that we can thank our motivated employees who love the thier work for our success, so you can expect an extremely pleasant working environment at Petram Resort & Residences.
Where will you work?
Savudrija, a quiet fishing village in the north of Istria, is a carefully guarded secret of the Mediterranean. And not far from Savudrija, in the shade of fragrant vegetation and with a breathtaking view, there is Petram Resort & Residences. The beautiful nature and mild Mediterranean climate will turn your workplace into a dream workplace.
Savudrija is 134 km from Ljubljana, 267 km from Zagreb, 648 km from Belgrade and 668 km from Sarajevo.
We want to be the contributor to the development of the local community, invest in and build top-notch service and provide an authentic experience to our guests, and constantly invest in human potential, thereby jointly developing a winning team spirit.
By respecting our own value systems and encouraging young talents, we create a healthy culture that achieves recognizable results, conducting socially responsible business according to our community, culture and tradition.
Join us!
You are characterized by dedication and diligence, are you ready to learn? Do you like to share and improve ideas with colleagues, do you want a full time job and advance in your career? Join our team! In accordance with your qualifications, previous education and work experience, we offer you various opportunities for employment.
In order to improve the business, we are looking for new employees, serious and ready to work all year round.
Take the opportunity and successfully create and improve your future with us!
Open positions
View all currently open positions or send us an application.
KONOBAR (M/Ž) – više izvršitelja/ica
SOBARICA / HOUSEKEEPING MAID (m/ž) – više izvršitelja/ica
- Zamjenik šefa kuhinje
- Pripremanje namirnica u skladu s normativima, standardima i procedurama rada
- Poznavanje jelovnika
- Obrada priprema i skladištenje hrane prema recepturama i uputama
- Unaprjeđivanje kvalitete rada i zadovoljstvo gostiju
- Pridržavanje propisa za skladištenje namirnica i održavanje higijenskih standarada
- Pomaže sa pregledavanjem, zaprimanjem i spremanjem robe
- Vođenje brige o čistoći radnog prostora i radne opreme
- Pravilno i savjesno korištenje kuhinjskog inventara, opreme i uređaja
- Kontrola kvalitete i održavanje visokih standarda u pripremi hrane
- Efikasno upravljanje resursima restorana
- Koordinacija tima u smijeni i preraspodjela zadatka
- Suradnja sa odjelom nabave po pitanju kontrole skladišta
KV/SSS kuhar
Radno iskustvo na istim ili sličnim poslovima.
Sklonost timskom radu, visoka razina odgovornosti u obavljanju radnih zadataka.
Dvije godine radnog iskustva poželjno u hotelu s 4 ili 5 zvjezdica, izvrsno znanje engleskog jezika u govoru i pismu.
Odabranim kandidatima nudimo rad u respektabilnom Društvu, stimulativna primanja, radno okruženje u kojem prepoznajemo i timski rad i zalaganje pojedinca.
Nudimo mogućnost napredovanja i dodatnog usavršavanja.
Osiguran smještaj i prehrana.
Radni odnos na puno radno vrijeme.
MJESTO RADA: Savudrija
Ukoliko ste zainteresirani za navedeno radno mjesto te zadovoljavate uvjete, svoj životopis pošaljite na e-mail:
zainteresirani kandidati trebaju poslati:
– životopis
Kandidati koji uđu u uži izbor bit će kontaktirani.
Slanjem prijave kandidati pristaju na upotrebu i pohranjivanje svojih osobnih podataka u svrhu provedbe selekcijskog postupka. Osobni podaci i dokumentacija kandidata čija prijava ne bude prihvaćena, biti će odmah izbrisani.
Rok podnošenja molbi: 15.02.2024. godine
Looking for a job? Send us an open application!
View our current job offer and apply for the open calls that best suits your competencies and interests.
If we don’t have any open positions, feel free to send us an open application for employment – because we might be waiting for you! Attach your photo with your CV. We will store your application in the database of open applications, and we will be free to contact you when there is a need to hire people with your qualifications.